Monday, August 25, 2014

I have regularly attended school board meetings and found it frustrating that the SUSD governing board rarely discuses how votes on policy changes, funding, etc. effect the quality of the student product being produces, or the efficiencies of the tax dollars being spent.  Rarely is there any discussion, it is more akin to social banter or self aggrandizing than debating and deliberating the pros and cons associated with the current vote.  If school boards or any elected body appears to never have vigorous discussion of consequence before votes they are either conducting those discussions prior to public meetings (which is prohibited by open meeting laws) or they have abdicated their responsibilities.  It is my belief the SUSD30 board falls under the latter.

06/27/12 was the last time the school board voted against the recommendation of the Superintendent.  When it was unanimously voted 0-5 not to proceed with building a football field for Walden Grove High over septic tanks without proper certification and authorization that it would be allowed.

10/06/10 was the last time the school board didn't vote unanimously.  Hall voted to spend money on National School Board Association Membership, the other four did not (David Eves wasn't yet on the Board, at this time the seat was held by Mike Lurkins)

It has been over 2 years since the Board has voted anything but unanimously in agreement with the Superintendents suggestion, and almost 4 years since they voted non unanimously.

We currently have a "Yes" board who show up just to vote yes.  I appreciated all 5 members willingness to volunteer on the board, but this district deserves a board that doesn't just show up to vote yes but one that also comes from diverse background experiences and opinions and publicly debates SUSD policy before votes so the district can grow effectively and find the optimal paths forward

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